Wednesday, March 20, 2013

MAPLAN: Modernist Author Project

Project?: News Report/ Broadcast
Name?: Daily Modernist News
Channel?: Channel 72
We will be acting it out
Include background music based on what they liked
Interview the authors
start with the Credo: words to live by/ life philosophy
Genre?: Report on a novel (what it's talking about)
Report on the person behind the book:
Life circumstances
Religion & Politics
Childhood/ Family Background
Previous Work
Ask random people on what their input is
Have a "commercial" with one author talking about themselves and how they "help the community".
Pressing Question?: Do it at the end (During Credits).... Have the question at the end and have the author answer it.

Back-up ideas in case this doesn't work!!!
Make a group story about the authors.
Write an essay with links to other websites with great information on the author.