Thursday, October 25, 2012

self reliance notes: october 16-17

self reliance: the need for an individual to avoid conformaty and false consistancy and follow his or her ideas.

conformity: why is it a bad thing? your abandoning everything that makes you, you.

 you are your own person, you dont need to rely on anyone but yourself.
- still have your own thoughts.
- each persons voice can be as strong as the great man of history.
- why does the importance of your voice relate to self- reliance: because your the only one thats in your head.

logic: valid reading: validating; proving.
falicies: mistake or error in reading
people dont want to be challenged in their own thinking appeal to the majority: " if i did it for you i have to do it for everyone else."

mid term:

For the mid term I studied as much as I could. I knew some of the words but a lot of them I forgot the definitions. I think I definitely could have done better. I learned that I definitely need to study a lot more, and use flash cards because it really helped a lot more than just studying from my notebook. next time, I think I just need to focus more and sit down for an hour a day and go over the words.

Vocabulary fall list #7 :

Ad infinitum: to infinity;endlessly; without limit
Apportion: to distribute or allocate proportionally
Bona fide: made, done, presented
buoyant: tending to float in a fluid
Clique: a small, exclusive group of people; coterie
Concede: to acknowledged as true, just or proper; admit
Congenial: agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character
lofty: extending high in the air
Migration: the process or act of migrating
perceive: to become aware of, knoe, or identify by means of the senses
Perverse: willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired
Prelude: a preliminary to an action, event, condition, or work of broader scope and higher importance.
Rancid: having a rank. Unpleasant, stale smell or taste, as though decomposition
especially of tasks and oils.
Rustic: of, pertaining to or living in the country, as distinguished from towns or cities
Sever: to separate ( a part) from the whole, as by cutting or the like.
Sordid: morally ignoble or base; vile
Untenable: incapable of being defended, as an argument, thesis
Versatile: capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks, fields of endeavor
vindicate: to clear, as from an accusation, imputation, suspicion, or the like.
Wane: to strength, intensity, etc.

vocabulary fall list # 8

flout: to treat with distane
caveat: special exception
blazon: to adorn - decorate something
filch: steal something casually
fractious: bad tempered - irritable
equitable: fair
autonomy: independence/freedom
addendum: add
amnesty: official pardon for people who have been evicted
axiomatic: self evident
extricate: free of a constrain
soporific: causing or tending to cause sleep
scathing: scornful, severely critical
unwieldy: heavy to lift - awkward
vapid: dull - boring
prognosticate: foretell
sepulchral: gloomy- dismissal
salutary: producing good effects - with reference to something
strait laced: really strict
scourge: to whip or lash
precept: rule used to regulate
transient: something that lasts a short amount of time - homeless person